Navjodi matrimony is fraud company, cheating with customer

Dear Customer, I want to give you some information about Navjodi Matrimony. Mr. sagar kumar sutar owner of this company. he was running www.bandhanmatrimony pvt ltd company with satish chand. And the one who was Satish was always ill. This Sagar Kumar Sutar took advantage of this.Satish has a disease called cervical. Who cannot work more than 3 hours a day. And Satish even said that the ocean would not have worked with me, give me freedom. But he always used to say that you should be limited to documents only. you’ll do the rest. He wanted to confine me to the documents so that he could take advantage of me. or Then it slowly started doing wrong things sticking to me.
As if the customer whose divorce was going on. he used to call them to customer in the night as Aghori Baba. And used to say that I will get you divorced and the girl’s people will not even take money. And this money used to go to SBI accounts. thats account of his wife. i ll share you that account details. where he has taken huge amount from the customer. When I found out it was doing this, I stopped it. After he say, my brother-in-law sends this money from Bangalore. An amount in crores came in this account which was wrong. Then I said if you do this work again, I will not work with you. Then he spoke to me. I will not After that I continued working with it. Then it started stealing the company’s data base. like bharatmatrimony and i ll proof it to you. And he started stealing money from the company along with a girl from the company. After all these incidents happened, I finally made a plan to leave the company. Then it told me to keep the company and take the responsibility of the whole customer. Otherwise I will harm you. And it lost the money of the company. So he left behind his belongings and ran away. And some Rogue took the support of the people and put them behind me. When I did not get hold of it, it started tracing my location. Even then, he started talking about my wife on wrong social media and his customer. even we have complaint against this person. but there is no benefit. and blaming to us. and friend plz check his sbi account where is cheated customer and his brother in law funding on sbi account. he told me that things already sagar kumar sutar. and he used to send fake msg to customer about and against other company also. we will share you proof. and he was searching another partner and share with you proof. and he do business aghoribaba. thats fraud. so sharing you proof. and many customer cheated by sagar kumar sutar sharing you proof. he hacking data from sharing you proof also. he is married but he has created his profile in in never married. he has rights to hacking data so sharing you proof of his chat with someone. he is running 3 website 1. navjodi matrimony vivaahsangam and shaadialliances and one thing he used to misbehave with customer after taken money sharing you proof. so finally we have lots of proof against you. dont worry we are ready for it.

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